, , - Posted on June 19, 2020

Community Action Micro-Funds for Black-led Organizations

Break Free From Plastic

In the United States, June 19th marks the annual observance of Juneteenth, which commemorates the emancipation of the last remaining enslaved African-Americans in the Confederacy following the end of the U.S. Civil War.

As part of Break Free From Plastic’s work in solidarity with #BlackLivesMatter, the BFFP US Coordination Team has released Community Action Micro-Funds for Black Communities on the Frontlines of the Plastic Pollution Crisis on this historic date.

A total of $40,000 has been made available to Black-led Grassroots/EJ organizations in the United States who are working on the ground to defend Black lives and communities from the harmful effects of plastic pollution (e.g. petrochemical expansion, waste/incineration, etc.). The activities supported by these Micro-Funds could include: campaigns, a series of workshops, publications, tours, tools development, meetings, trainings, and/or any other operational and programmatic need (except political campaigning and lobbying). The activities do not have to be related to the organization’s work on plastics. This initiative is possible thanks to the contribution of the Plastic Solutions Fund.

Please note that the application process has closed for Community Action Micro-Funds for Black Communities on the Frontlines of the Plastic Pollution Crisis.

Break Free From Plastic reaffirms our understanding that social justice, racial justice, and environmental justice are all part of a single Movement for Justice. Together with every community that has been forced to endure the immeasurable loss of life, we raise our voices across the world with one unified message: Black Lives Matter.

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