With the help of active volunteers, I started this campaign of making all major routes of Phalodi free from plastic. As we know, the success of such initiatives is only possible when the common people of the locality are also actively participating. Considering this, volunteers held door-to-door awareness campaigns to ensure the participation of the locals.
We also have a project that focuses on making multi-pouch cloth bags from recycling old rice bags. There is now a large demand for that bag in the market, and we are planning to help a group of ladies make these kinds of bags and sell them in the market to provide them with additional income.
To ensure awareness of the #BreakFreeFromPlastic movement among the locals, we organized a roadshow on the auspicious occasion of Ram Navmi last April 19. We ran a campaign for a plastic-free Earth by making a plastic monster under the guidance of the #breakfreefromplastic team.
As the mythology depicts the story of the end of a demon with weapons of truth and justice, similarly plastic was represented as the demon that can only be killed by the will and efforts of the common people. “Today’s Demon – Plastic” was the theme of the show, where people were informed about the evil effects of plastic on our environment.

The scary plastic demon
Although we started with a small team, we witnessed the strong participation of volunteers, which marks the success of our #BreakFreeFromPlastic movement in Phalodi. These volunteers are determined to dedicate their time and efforts to make Phalodi free from plastic.
With the central leadership of the Mahavir International Institute and the participation of the locals, this small movement created a big revolution on the streets of Phalodi and this makes us more hopeful for the day where plastic will just be history.